Tuesday, 29 May 2012


We thought we'd bring you up to speed with what's happening in Bloodaxe land.  We are currently sending off copies of Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe to various festivals with hope of acceptance.  We will be putting up more clips etc when we know if we have been successful.

We will, in the meantime, be looking for other screenings at various venues across Glasgow where you guys can watch the most anticipated sequel of the year.  Adam has also updated the poster.  Please see bellow:



Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Bloodaxe Audience Choice Awards...

First off, thank you to all who have watched the first film.  Much appreciated.  We've reached over 100 views in such a short space of time and some have left some comments.  Keep 'em coming, people.

Since we've reached over 100 views, we've decided to give the Bloodaxe Audience Choice Awards for Best Actor a bash and let you guys vote who you think was the best actor in the film.  To vote, simply comment on the page or tweet us your choice.  The nominations are:

Stephen Hendry - Scuba
Adam Turner - Adam
Lee Barrett - L Bargie
Kyle Barrett - K Bargie
Emma McDonald - Emmaz
Dominic Kidd - Dom
Paul Costello - Capote

If you need to re-watch the film to make your choice, by all means.  Please make your nominations soon.



Friday, 18 May 2012

Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie

Since we reached over 300 followers on Twitter we have decided to put Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie online.  You can watch it here:

Thank you to all our new followers, we appreciate it.  Let us know what you think.

We have finally completed Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe.  We will be submitting to various festivals all over the country and will let you know which ones are successful.  In the meantime, enjoy the first film.



Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Which Version...?

We have been extremely busy, again, trying to tweak Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe for public screenings and we are glad to announce that we are pretty much done.  We shall hopefully be arranging screenings in the next few weeks for the Glasgow area.

We have created two cuts of the film, a 26 mins cut and also a 20 min cut for festivals etc.  However, it is up to you which version you wish to see.  The extended cut has different music, more scenes and works as the perfect companion to Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie where as the shorter cut works as a solo film, designed more as a single story.  We shall leave to you, our dear fans, which version you wish to see.  We will be releasing DVDs with both cuts on it for those who wish to own it.

Keep an eye on this space for more updates.  The wait is nearly over!



Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Trailer, Screenings and Congratulations...

It has been a while, however, fear not as we have been insanely busy.  Last weekend, we screened Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe for more people.  We were delighted with the response as it was very encouraging.  We have been back in the editing room to help tweak some stuff and it is almost time to present it to the public.  Good times are indeed ahead.

In other news, our dear friend (and author) has had a great week with her novella "Glitter and Trauma", selling over 500 copies.  Please find it on amazon.co.uk and amazon.com.

To keep you guys happy, we have a new, official, trailer!  This is from the band itself and will give a clear idea what is in-store for you loyal fans.  Watch it here:

We hope you enjoy!
