Saturday, 16 February 2013

Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe Review

It's been a while but we're back.  A few updates to announce:

We're looking into changing from this ye olde blog and actually create a website for all your Bloodaxe needs.  This should hopefully happen over the next month or so.

The script for Bloodaxe: Part III is shaping up and we hope to shooting end of March/April time.  All we can say is that it's going to be epic.

We're looking into getting a screening soon for Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe, so do keep your eyes on this space.

Finally, our dear friend @nolanzebra3 gratefully accepted our invitation to review Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II in a preview.  You can read his thoughts and findings here.
