Saturday, 30 June 2012

And Another Edition...

We are delighted to share more enthusiastic reactions to Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie from one of our new Twitter followers.  We are given a very gracious review from one of their daily reports.  You can check it out here

If you're an aspiring film critic, or just love to blog about movies, please give us a review!  Thanks for sharing the love.



Wednesday, 27 June 2012

From The Archives...

We have recently uncovered some old material recorded several years ago.  See below for an interview from 2009 with Scuba and Adam as they answer some questions posted by fans.

In other news, we've been holding some small screenings of Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part II - 2 Ferocious 2 Bloodaxe and we've received some great feedback.  Hopefully get some public screenings lined up soon.  In the meantime, enjoy the interview!



Saturday, 16 June 2012

Read All About It...

We are very pleased to announce that we have our very first review for Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie.  You can read it here:

We are always looking for reviews, positive or negative, so please comment, give us tips and let us know what you'd like to see happen next in the Bloodaxe saga!

More news to follow!



Friday, 8 June 2012

Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie Showcase Spectacular...

Greetings everyone, we are delighted to announce that Ferocious Bloodaxe: The Movie will be showcased on tomorrow.  It will be online from 8am PST (that's for US viewers) and 4pm for all you UK fans.  Please keep an eye out and enjoy.  We are greatly thankful to Mr. Jarbo who has graciously put the film on his site.  Anyhoo, enjoy folks!



Thursday, 7 June 2012

More News from Nowhere...

It has been a while since we've spoke.  We are continuing the process of submitting to festivals which has soaked up most our our time.  We are negotiating screenings in the Glasgow area.  If there are any film-makers with work to screen, get in touch and we could have a short film night if there's enough interest.

Our friend and longest supporter Emma Kathryn is currently putting up short stories on her blog (click to go straight there) to help promote her awesome novella "Glitter & Trauma" (link on her blog to purchase).  Please do have a look.

Elsewhere, K Bargie is on scritwriting duties for Ferocious Bloodaxe: Part III which will be our most ambitious project yet.  If you're looking to get involved, please get in touch, the more the merrier.  Whether it's for acting experience, or if you know more than we do about cinematography or just want to make fun of us, then get in touch.  Joyousness all around!
